If you don’t have the ball you can do this class without it.
If you don’t have the ball you can do this class without it.
In this class you’ll start with your ankle weights on. If you don’t have a ball you can do the moves without one. I’m using a medium band.
For this class you’ll need the ball & lights weights. If you don’t have the ball you can do the moves without it or grab one light weight instead.
This class is full body with bilateral leg work programmed in rather than single leg. I’m using 2 lb ankle weights & 3 lb hand weights.
For this class you won’t start with the ankle weights on. I’ll let you know when to put them on. For the light weights I’m using a pair of 3lb weights.
Zoom technology was not my friend with this class. I didn’t realize the mic and music didn’t connect to the computer, BUT you can still hear it & get a killer workout! For the light weights I’m using a pair of 5lb. This series is really juicy with the ball!
Classes with the ring are here!! This is one of my favorite ways to warm up and stretch. If you don’t have the ring you can use the band for the beginning stretch. For the medium I would suggest a light or medium one. Arms and legs with the band are killer!
In this class we’re using it all! If you have the ring I’d like you to use it. If you don’t you’ll hear me reference to use the band instead. For the weights I’m using 3 pound weights. This is a full body workout. We do everything from single leg stretch, to extension, lunges, and […]
For this class you’ll start with your wrist weights on. I’m using 1lb. Bala wrist weights, and a medium band.
I love incorporating the ball into classes. If you don’t have it for this one don’t worry! When we have it under our foot you can use a slider or your sock on the ground.
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